5 Ways to Have Better Remote Conversations
Let’s Talk! 5 Ways to Have Better Remote Conversations Once upon a time… it was easy to have a conversation with a co-worker, direct report or manager. Now we have to work at it – scheduling, planning to be spontaneous, seeing each other in the video-teleconferencing...
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All My Excuses About Meditation Debunked
Meditation has long been recommended for dealing with stress, anxiety, health issues. I think we have all of that and more rolled up into one with the COVID-19 pandemic and the changes in work, school, and family life. So we all should be meditating by now, right?...
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5 Things Employers Can Do to Fight Employee Burnout
All of us are struggling with feelings of burnout at some level. Please read our most recent post 'Burnout – There Is An Escape Route' where we talk about this very thing. A study by Forbes found that 75% of us are experiencing burnout and 40% of us attribute it...
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Burnout – There Is An Escape Route
COVID! Pandemic! Lock Down! Enough already! We’ve been at this for over a year. We’re all tired! We’re all burnt out! We know the feelings – No energy or feeling exhausted all the time – getting to nap time is a highlight of the day. Unmotivated to do even simple...
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How Do I Know What I Mean until I Hear What I Say?
Sometimes talking to yourself can have all kinds of unintended benefits for you and others—maybe even be a lifesaver or a face-saver. For someone who is reminded periodically that I mumble and talk to myself, the Medium article, “Why Successful People Talk to...
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New Year’s Resolutions – Add Upskilling To Your List
As a year comes to an end, we often take stock of where we’ve been and where we want to go. After the experiences of 2020, we have a lot to think about. One bright spot on the horizon is the potential to get the COVID-19 virus under control. It will be a blessing in...
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Bah Humbug – and I Mean It!
Where is the joy of the season? 'Tis the season – the holidays are a time that are filled with joy, family and friends, celebrations, and lots of good fun. Well, maybe not exactly this year. We’ve all got a lot going on. We’ve got COVID – not joyful – full of fear,...
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Just Say Yes
In relationships, particularly interpersonal ones, there are potential distractions, misdirections, misunderstandings, and differing ideas and goals. Even the littlest misunderstanding can take a happy activity and turn it into mush. In our multiple award-winning...
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