Navigating Social Distancing & Masks Mark H. Fowler

Navigating Social Distancing & Masks

Could we find ourselves in a more confusing situation than the world of COVID-19?

Much of what we have come to expect and enjoy may have changed, morphed or disappeared — hopefully not forever. Many of us are housebound, others are working remotely; many are in essential businesses working onsite and adapting to rules and restrictions of social distancing and masks. Everything is new with circumstances and constrictions changing daily.

Whether we know it or acknowledge it or not, we have more needs/opportunities to “ask for help” than probably ever before. Just think how difficult it can be to hear/understand others with their masks on… How many times have we gotten it wrong about what people are actually saying/meaning? It can be frustrating to keep asking, “What did you say?” Sometimes, it’s easier to act like you know what they said — shame on us.

Truth be known, we were probably sliding by before masks were in vogue, as we can get a sense of what is being said based on a voice, facial expressions or by reading lips. Now, we are on our own with one avenue as we connect by our voices only, maybe adding handwritten notes or hand signs/body language and a bit of eye action. It is easy to think that we can hear and be heard with our protective masks, face shields, glass barriers between us and the customer and customer/service people — but we are not. Even the social distancing itself includes another barrier, space, especially outside.

What can we do?

To start, we can be more considerate. People can’t hear us as well as they did. Just being aware that, when you speak, you may not be heard. Take the time to speak a bit more slowly, enunciate a bit better, ask if people can hear you before you start telling them something.

Most importantly, ask for help if you can’t hear or you think you missed something. It is so easy to not get information correctly, even without masks. With masks, let’s take the time, even though we can’t be close physically, to be closer to others in a new more thoughtful way in conversation. We can connect more effectively if we are present and considerate and willing to take a moment to make sure we understand.

Be safe out there.

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